About The Michel Fam | MTM Equities
Food Waste Action Network Partners
Join The #MTMN Hudson Valley Business Network and ReFED in creating accessible spaces for collaboration between individuals and organizations from across the food system and from a diverse set of backgrounds.
MTM Equities by The MTM Family
Helping to make Rockland County, New York more sustainable for property owners, management teams, tenants, and visitors.

We’re The Michel Family, a local Rockland County couple with two boys, two dogs, and a snake (RIP Fishy).
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About Marc and Rogera Michel
Despite recording artist, Marc Michel’s, passion for his music, he didn’t miss a beat when it was time to take over our family’s business. He and I, Rogera, had been caregiving for my parents for years; I was running two businesses and we were about to welcome our second child so it was no surprise I needed more help.
I had been caring for my mother and running my own Marketing Agency for 5 years when I got the call…. My father’s Alzheimer’s progressed and he needed to retire. As an only child with no other family, I was needed in Massachusetts to run his business and manage his care.
Years later, with one child in New York, another on the way and two very sick parents, I was thrilled when Marc mastered everything from tenant relations to maintenance and repairs. What was the family business you ask? Property management, of course. Tenants loved him and I love that too. He immediately began studying for his HVAC license and passed within months…!
…in Massachusetts. …Just before COVID when everything changed for all of us. We welcomed our second child in early March just before New York City shut down. Our oldest was living in NYC at the time so needless to say they were overwhelmed. It wasn’t long before we packed up and moved to Rockland County. Still, caregivers and down a state license.
It took some time but we finally situated ourselves and Marc passed his exam. Now we’re taking everything we learn in those toughest of times and paying it forward to other small property owners with events, workshops and our blog. As sponsors of the #MTMN Hudson Valley Business Network, we’re excited to help maintain Rockland County sustainably.